Warren County YMCA

Y Early Learning Center

*Scroll down for Y Early Learning Center Schedule and Closings


Early Learning Programs


Toddler/Pre-K1 Care: Ages 24-36 months

The Y Early Learning Center Toddler/PreK-1 Care provides a warm and nurturing program in a gentle environment. This program encourages your child’s emerging skills and capabilities. We understand that each child is unique in his/her development. Our trained staff encourages brain growth through reading and music. As your child matures and grows, we will supply a rich environment with a variety of experiences, including hands-on experiences and physical activities. This year-round program offers no part-time days or part-time weeks. The class size is limited. 

This program provides:

  • A warm and nurturing environment to facilitate your child's social and emotional needs
  • Opportunities to develop cognitive, fine motor and gross motor skills
  • Your child will be introduced to social experiences with peers through role-play, teacher-led play, and discovery play
  • Introduce and expand their self-help skills
  • 1 gym class
  • AM/PM snack daily at no extra cost
  • A cot will be assigned exclusively to your child for napping

Parents provide:

  • A nutritious lunch/refillable drink container
  • Child's feeding and sleep schedule.
  • Diapers and wipes
  • Change of clothing
  • Blankets, bedding & bibs
  • A $40.00 non-refundable/non-transferrable is required upon registration

We are unable to accommodate for special dietary needs.

Toddler/PreK-1: Age 24 months to 36 months: ratio 1:5


Open Hours:
6:00 am - 5:00 pm

Registration Fee:

Rates: $165.00 per week. (Member & Non-Member)

  • Payments will be set up to withdraw automatically from a checking, savings, debit, or credit card.
  • payments will be withdrawn every Friday prior to the week of service. If payment is not made, you will be charged a $20.00 weekly late fee. NO EXCEPTIONS. 
  • Receipts will be given upon request.
  • Delinquent accounts (after 2 missed payments) are subject to termination of your child's enrollment in the program.
  • *Late pick-up: A charge of $5.00 per minute will be incurred after 5:15 pm.

Please note: If you receive subsidized funds from ELRC, you will be required to pay the difference in what they provide and what the Y Early Learning Center charges in addition to your weekly co-pay care options. The YELC offers NO part-time weeks or part-time days.

Registration Dates:
Contact Harmonie Kibbey, Early Learning Center Coordinator at 726-0110, ext. 1123 or email harmonie@warrenymca.org



Yer's Care

This is a nine-month care program for ages 3-5 years who are enrolled in our YMCA Preschool. Care is available Monday thru Friday from September to May in conjunction with the 3-year old and 4-year old Preschool program. (Children must be enrolled in our preschool program to receive Yer's care.)
**Yers care is paid weekly; Preschool tuition is paid monthly. (Refer to Preschool page for additional information.)

Registration Dates for 2025-2026 Yer's Care:

Members: Thursday, March 6, 2025 from 4:30-5:30 pm
Non-Members: Thursday, March 13, 2025 from 4:30-5:30 pm

A non-refundable/non-transferrable registration fee is due at registration to reserve child's enrollment.

Registration Fee:
Member: $40.00
Non-Member: $40.00

(Child must be age 3 by July 1st per WCSD policy. NO exceptions.)

All registrations for Yer's Care are handled through the YMCA Early Learning Center office (located by the YMCA East entrance).  
For additional registration and/or preschool information, please contact Harmonie Kibbey, Early Learning Center Coordinator via email:harmonie@warrenymca.org

This program provides:

  • A learning environment through age-appropriate activities
  • Expands social/emotional peer skills
  • A structured, fun and safe place where children can learn cooperative and leadership skills
  • PM snack is provided daily

Parents must provide:

  • A nutritious, nut-free lunch and refillable drink containter
  • Soft sleep items (Nap is on a cot)
  • Change of clothing

3-5 years


6:00 am - 8:30 am
12:00 noon - 5:00 pm

Weekly Cost:
3 year old Yer's Care (Attending Preschool T/W/Th)
Member $125.00 per week
Non-Member $135.00 per week

4 year old Yer's Care (Attending Preschool M-F)
Member $110.00 per week
Non-Member $120.00 per week



  • The non-refundable/non-transferable registration fee is due upon registration. 
  • Weekly payments will be set up to withdraw automatically from a checking, savings, debit, or credit card. 
  • A late payment fee of $20.00 will be added for unpaid fees (after 5 days). 
  • Weekly payments will be withdrawn every Friday prior to the following week of service. If payment is declined, you will be charged a $20.00 weekly late fee. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • Receipts will be given upon request. Delinquent accounts (after 2 missed payments) are subject to termination of your child's enrollment in the program.
  • A charge of $5.00 per minute for pick-up after 5:15 pm will be incurred.
  • 2025 Youth Membership rate is $317.00.

Please note: If you receive subsidized childcare monies from ELRC (Early Learning Resource Center), you will be required to pay the difference in what they provide and what the Y Early Learning Center charges in addition to your weekly co-pay. We offer no part-time weeks or part-time days. This policy applies to all childcare/preschool offered at the Y.

**For your convenience, the Y Early Learning Center provides PM snacks at no additional cost. We are unable to accommodate special dietary needs. 

The Warren County YMCA is a PA DHS Licensed Facility and a Keystone Stars 3 participant. This is a nut-free facility.

*Please call Harmonie Kibbey, Early Learning Center Coordinator at the YMCA with any questions or concerns. 726-0110 ext 1123 or email harmonie@warrenymca.org



Grades Kindergarten through 4th:

Effective 9/1/2016 - Children 9 and under are not permitted in the Y without the supervision of an adult.

Worried about who’s watching your kids? The Y Early Learning Center understands and has programs in which kids can be in a trusting atmosphere; where they are encouraged to pursue their own interests, develop friendships and grow in confidence, independence, and respect for themselves and others:

SAC - This is a childcare program for any child enrolled in Kindergarten through grade 4 (age 10) 

  • SAC offers snacks, activities, STEM, homework help, physical fitness, and more by trained Y Early Learning Center employees
  • Before/After-school SAC is K through 4th grade
  • Must be registered through Childcare Department
  • Will be provided snack/drink daily after school (a refillable drink container is suggested)
  • Children enrolled in other Y programs will be taken to/from those activities as needed by a Y employee
  • SAC will be held if there is a 2-hour delay. Children enrolled in AM ONLY or AM/PM ONLY will be bused to school
  • If a 2-hour delay turns into a No School Day, care will continue until the closing of Childcare at 5:00 pm.
  • Any child K through 9 years, who is not registered with our SAC program, will not be permitted to come to the Y without adult supervision.
  • If a child (K-age 10) is registered for a Y program, they must either be enrolled in SAC or a parent/guardian/responsible adult will need to bring them into the Y and take them to their program.
  • The Y Early Learning Center is a PA DHS Licensed Childcare Facility and a Keystone STARS 3 participant.



Registration dates for Fall 2025-2026 SAC will be announced when openings become available.
*Contact Harmonie Kibbey, Child Care Coordinator at 726-0110, ext. 1123, or email harmonie@warrenymca.org for more information.

Registration Fees:
Member $40.00
Non-Member $40.00

**We offer no part-time weeks in the SAC program. If you sign-up for any of the services listed below, you will be charged whether your child attends or not**
(Rate for 2025 Youth Annual membership is $317.00)

 Child Care  Times  Member fees and Non-Member fees

 Morning Only (SAC)

 6:00 am - 8:00 am

 $25.00/Week Member
 $35.00/Week Non-Member

 Afternoon Only (SAC)

 3:00 pm - 5:15 pm 

 $45.00/Week Member
 $55.00/Week Non-Member

 Both Morning & Afternoon (SAC) 

 6:00 - 8:00 am / 3:00 - 5:00 pm 

 $65.00/Week Member
 $75.00/Week Non-Member

 2 Hour Delay (SAC) *

 6:00 am - 10:00 am 

 $20.00/Day Member
 $30.00/Day Non-Member

NO School Day/Snow Day**

 7:30 am - 4:30 pm 

$45.00/Day Member
$60.00/Day Non-Member

Before/After (NSD)

 6:00-7:30 am / 4:30-5:00 pm

 $12.00/Day Member
 $20.00/Day Non-Member

Warren County School District currently provides bus transportation to and from the following schools: St. Joes and Warren Area Elementary Center for those enrolled in SAC
Please check with WCSD transportation department for busing availability pertaining to a Two Hour Delay.
*Currently only those who are scheduled for pick up in the morning at the Y Early Learning Center will be permitted to ride during a two-hour delay.
** NSD - Must pre-register for NO School Day and be enrolled in Childcare. Must bring a nut-free lunch and refillable drink container for NSD and Cancelled school days.



  • Weekly payments will be set up to withdraw automatically from checking, savings, debit, or credit card.
  • Payments will be withdrawn every Friday prior to the following week of service.
  • Late/returned payments will be charged a $20.00 fee. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • Receipts will be given upon request. 
  • Delinquent accounts (after 2 missed payments) are subject to termination of your child's enrollment in the program.
  • Late Pick-up: Charge of $5.00 per minute after 5:15 pm.
  • Please note: If you receive subsidized child care funding from ELRC (Early Learning Resource Center), you will be required to pay the difference in what they provide and what the Y Early Learning Center charges in addition to your weekly co-pay. We offer no part-time weeks or part-time days for enrollment. This policy applies to all childcare offered at the Y Early Learning Center.


  • SAC - For your convenience, the Y Early Learning Center provides daily PM snacks. AM and PM snacks will be provided on NO SCHOOL DAYS at no additional cost. Children must bring their own lunch and refillable drink container for No School Days. We are unable to accommodate special dietary needs.


Y Early Learning Center Schedule and Closings


August 19                 Last day of summer camp
August 12-23           Post- Camp
August 16                 No Care- closed for in-service
August 26                 No post-camp care available for school-aged or children entering kindergarten
August 27                 SAC care reopens
Sept 2                        No Care- closed for Labor Day
Sept 3                        Preschool Begins
Oct 14                        SAC care all day
Nov 11                       SAC care all day
Nov 27                       No Care- closed for parent/teacher conferences
Nov 28-29                No Care- closed for Thanksgiving holiday
Dec 2                         SAC care all day
Dec 23                       SAC and Yer’s care all day, No preschool
Dec 24-25                 No Care- closed for Christmas holiday
Dec 26-27                 SAC and Yer’s care all day, No preschool
Dec 30                       SAC and Yer’s care all day, No preschool
Dec 31                       No Care- closed for New Year’s Eve            

Jan 1, 2025               No Care- closed for New Year holiday
Jan 17                         SAC care all day
Jan 20                        SAC care all day
Feb 14                       SAC care all day
Feb 17                       SAC care all day
March 10                  SAC care all day
March 17                  SAC care all day
April 17                     SAC care all day
April 18                     No Care- closed for Good Friday
April 21                     SAC care all day
May 2                        SAC care all day
May 8                        Last Day of 3 year old preschool
May 9                         Last Day of 4 year old preschool- Graduation TBA
May 23                      No Care- closed for in-service
May 26                      No Care- closed for Memorial Day
June 9                        First Day of Summer Camp
July 4                         No Care- closed for Independence Day
Aug 8                         Last Day of Summer Camp
Aug 11-22                 Post-Camp


* In the event Warren County School District has a two-hour delay or cancelation due to poor weather conditions, all preschool classes will be canceled.  Yer’s, SAC NSD, and Toddler Care will continue to be available.

*Y Early Learning Center follows the WCSD calendar only.

Please contact Harmonie Kibbey, Childcare Coordinator at 726-0110, ext. 1123 or email harmonie@warrenymca.org for questions/concerns.