Warren County YMCA

Summer Day Care


Summer 2025 Day Care Camps will begin on Monday, June 9, 2025 and will run for nine weeks.

REGISTRATION FOR 2025 Summer Care:

Members: Thursday, March 20, 2025 from 4:30-5:30 pm
Non-Members: Thursday, March 27, 2025 from 4:30-5:30 pm

**After registering, enrollment packets will be available for pick up at the Front Welcome Desk beginning Friday, May 9, 2025 and must be returned by Friday, May 30th. Children cannot attend camp without completed enrollment forms - no exceptions.

REGISTRATION FORM: Click to download, print and submit at registration:  Click here


A $20.00 non-refundable, non-transferable deposit for each week registered is due at the time of registration (e.g., 9 weeks of camp requires a $180 deposit/per child) This deposit will be applied to the weekly Care fee.

For other registration requests or for additional information, please contact Harmonie Kibbey via email at harmonie@warrenymca.org.



2025 School Age Full-day Care for Children Ages 6-10 years
(Must have completed Kindergarten): 

Members: $135.00 per week.
Non-members: $165.00 per week.
Care requires a $20.00 deposit per week, per child to hold a spot. Deposit will be applied to care fee and is non-refundable, and non-transferrable. (Attending all 9 weeks = $180.00 per child. Due at registration.)
Camp Time: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Before/Aftercare: Available 6:00 - 8:00 am and/or 4:30 - 5:30 pm at an additional cost of $30.00 for the week per child.

2025 Big-E-Nuf Care for children ages 3-5/6 years
(Not yet entered Kindergarten and must be completely potty-trained)

Members: $135.00 per week.
Non-members:$165.00 per week.
Care requires a $20.00 deposit per week, per child to hold spot. Deposit will be applied to care fee and is non-refundable, and non-transferrable. (Attending all 9 weeks = $180.00 per child. Due at registration.)
Camp Time: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Before/Aftercare:  Available 6:00 - 8:00 am and/or 4:30 - 5:30 pm at the additional cost of $30.00 for the week per child.

NOTE: Naps are not guaranteed for Big-E-Nuf Care

Things to Remember:
  • The Early Learning Center will provide sunscreen, but if your child needs a special kind, please contact us.
  • Sneakers should be worn daily. No flip-flops, crocks or sandals are permitted.
  • Please send a "nut-free" packed lunch & refillable water bottle every day.
  • We are a nut-free facility.
  • Must be completely potty-trained
  • Big-E-Nuf field trips or special programming will be 1 day weekly.
  • School Age field trips will be scheduled for at least 1 day every week.
  • All registrations for Summer Day Care are handled through the YMCA Early Learning Center office (located by the East entrance). 
  • Anyone wishing to attend both Summer Day Care and a Y Sport Camp scheduled for the same week will need to pay for both. Transportation to and from these camps is the parent's sole responsibility. Y staff will not provide this service. 
  • For questions, please contact Harmonie Kibbey, Early Learning Center Coordinator at 814-726-0110, ext 1123 or harmonie@warrenymca.org
  • Payments will be made by Thursday of the week prior to attendance
  • Payment not made by Thursday will be charged a $20 late fee
  • No Friday or Monday morning sign-ups will be permitted!
  • Cancellation MUST be made by 5:00 pm Thursday of the week prior
  • Camp weekly payments will be AUTOMATICALLY drafted from bank account information on file. Other payment arrangements need to be approved by Child Care Coordinator.
  • An additional child attending the same week of care receives a discount = 10% off.

Please note: If you receive subsidized childcare funding from ELRC (Early Learning Resource Center), you will be required to pay any difference in what the ELRC provides and what the YMCA charges in addition to your weekly co-pay.


2025 SUMMER DAY CARE CAMP WEEKS (8:00 am - 4:30 pm)  

Swim Days: 
School Age will swim Tuesday & Thursday  
Big-E-Nuf will swim Wednesday & Friday
*Swimwear & towel may be brought in a drawstring bag. Please label swimwear, clothing, and bag with the child's name.

**Themes for Summer Day Care Camp 2025:

WEEK 1: June 9-13th
Outdoor Adventures

Campers will enjoy time in the great outdoors learning about the creatures all around us and the habitats they live in.

WEEK 2: June 16-20th  
Getting Dirty!

Campers will enjoy a week of gardening activities and outdoor fun as they learn about horticulture and having fun in the dirt.

WEEK 3: June 23-June 27th 
What's Cooking?

This week is all about food and eating as we explore different types of cuisine and learn culinary skills. What better way to end the week than a tailgate party!

WEEK 4: June 30-July 3rd (Y is closed July 4th. No camp this day.)
Parks and Recreation

Campers will enjoy all the backyard games and fun imaginable - kickball, picnics, water games and more as they tour the different local parks.

WEEK 5: July 7-11th
Music and Make-Believe

Campers will kick off the week with a visit to the historic Struthers Library Theater as they explore the theater arts and become immersed in different types of music and dance.

WEEK 6: July 14-18th 
Space Odyssey

Space exploration is the focus this week! Campers will learn about our solar system and beyond as they build rockets, engage in out of this world activities and visit the Penn State Planetarium.

WEEK 7: July 21-25th
Summer Beach Bash

What could be more fun than a summer party at the beach! Campers will enjoy a variety of summer games and water play as they spend the week having fun in the sun!

WEEK 8: July 28 - August 1st   
Sailing Away

Whether they're sailing away on a pirate ship or sailing through the air on a roller coaster, campers will have a blast! 

WEEK 9: August 4-8th
No Theme Week

It's the last week of camp and there are so many things left to experience! This week is full of suprises and fun, ending with our annual party complete with music and games! 

*Field Trips TBA. Above themes may be subject to changes.*
For additional childcare questions, please contact Harmonie Kibbey, Childcare Coordinator at 814-726-0110, ext. 1123 or email harmonie@warrenymca.org.



*If interested in Member rates for Summer Care, a Youth Summer Membership 2025 rate is available May through August at the rate of $119.00. For membership info: contact Jennifer Pojar: jennifer@warrenymca.org

The Warren County YMCA is PA DHS licensed and a Keystone STARS 3 Facility.