Warren County YMCA





REGISTRATION DATES for Preschool 2025-2026:

Members: Thursday, March 6, 2025 from 4:30-5:30 pm
Non-Members: Thursday, March 13, 2025 from 4:30-5:30 pm *See below

**UPDATE (As of 3/11/2025):
Please note that we currently only have 1/2 day openings for 4 year olds for the 2025-26 school year. This would be M-F from 8:00 am -12:00 pm. All other openings are filled.
If you need full-day care for a 3 or 4 year old, please email harmonie@warrenymca.org to be placed on a waitlist.

A non-refundable/non-transferable registration fee is due at registration to reserve child's enrollment.
Member: $40.00
Non-Member: $40.00


3 Year old - Preschool Only:  Click to download and print
3 Year old - Preschool with Yer's Care:  Click to download and print

4 Year old - Preschool Only:  Click to download and print
4 Year old - Preschool with Yer's Care:  Click to download and print


(Child must be age 3 by July 1st per WCSD policy. NO exceptions.)

All registrations for Preschool are handled through the YMCA Early Learning Center office (located by the YMCA East entrance).  
For additional registration and/or preschool information, please contact Harmonie Kibbey, Early Learning Center Coordinator via email:harmonie@warrenymca.org


The Y Early Learning Center Preschool is a nine (9) month program beginning in September and ending in May. It is a developmentally age-appropriate program designed to prepare children socially, emotionally, and academically for school. Each preschool class includes swimming lessons and one gym class per week, as well as art, music, sensory, fine motor, and literacy activities. The Y Early Learning Center is a PA DHS-licensed facility and is a Keystone Stars 3. *If all-day care is needed, please see our YER's Care page for details and additional fees. (Click here for link.)

This program provides:

  • Learning environment through age-appropriate activities
  • Expands social/emotional peer skills
  • Two swim classes and 1 gym class per week
  • Field trips within our community 
  • A curriculum which closely aligns with Warren County School District to help prepare your child for entering kindergarten
  • AM snack is provided at no extra cost


Three-Year-Old Preschool 

Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday

8:30 – 11:30 am
(Must be 3 years old by July 1, 2025, and completely potty trained.)

YMCA Member  $135.00
Non-Member $170.00


Four-Year-Old Preschool 

Monday THRU Friday

8:00 – 12:00 pm
(Must be 4 years old by July 1, 2025, and completely potty trained.)

YMCA Member  $200.00
Non-Member $235.00



  • A non-refundable/non-transferable fee is required upon registration. 
  • Payments will be set up to withdraw automatically from a checking, savings, debit, or credit card.
  • Preschool payments will be withdrawn from the account provided. Monthly payments will be set up for ONE MONTH in ADVANCE. (Example: Payment withdrawn August 28th pays for the month of September.)
  • If payment is not made on time, a $20.00 late fee will be assessed. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • Receipts will be given upon request.
  • Late pick-up: A $5.00 per minute fee will be charged for pick-up after 12:00 pm

Youth Annual Membership 2025 rate: $317.00
Youth Monthly Automated Y-Draft Membership 2025 rate: $26.42 (The $75.00 join fee is waived for preschool registrants.)
Please note: Preschool scholarship information is provided in the registration paperwork. (ELRC does not apply to part-time preschool.)

**Important Information

This is a nine (9) month program beginning in September and ending in May. All parents will receive a Discipline Policy at the time of registration. This policy will need to be reviewed with your child, signed by the parent, and returned before the session begins.

All Preschool/Childcare rooms are nut-free rooms. All children must be completely potty-trained.

Contact Harmonie Kibbey, Early Learning Center Coordinator at 726-0110, ext. 1123, or email harmonie@warrenymca.org