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We are an equal opportunity employer. Applicants for all job openings are welcome and will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, or any other basis protected by state, federal or local law. It is the intent of the YMCA to comply with all applicable federal, state and local legislation concerning equal opportunity in employment.
I understand that this application is only valid for the position applied for at present and that the Warren County YMCA is not obligated to retain or consider this application for future openings.
I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application. I understand that falsification, misrepresentation or omission of facts called for will result in immediate termination from employment or removal of my application for consideration. I authorize the Warren County YMCA to secure information about my experience with former employers, education institutions and agencies, and for those parties to provide information concerning my experience releasing all parties from any liability arising there from.
If employed by the Warren County YMCA, I will abide by the policies and rules. I understand that I will be required to possess a current and valid driver’s license if my position requires me to drive in the course of my work.
IIf selected for employment, I understand that I will be required to obtain Child Abuse, Criminal History, FBI Fingerprint, and National Sex Offender Registry Clearances at personal cost, reimbursable upon request at 6 months of positive employment.
If I am employed by the Warren County YMCA, I understand my employment can be terminated, with or without cause and with or without notice, at any time at the option of the YMCA or myself. I understand that, other than the CEO of the YMCA, no manager, supervisor or representative of the YMCA has the authority to enter into any agreement for employment for any specific period of time, or to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing. Only the CEO of the YMCA has the authority to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing and then only in writing. I further expressly agree that, with respect to the at-will employment relationship, this constitutes full, complete and final expression of the parties’ intent concerning the nature of any employment relationship between myself and the YMCA.
My signature below certifies that I have read and understand the foregoing and to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information on this form is true and correct. My signature below also certifies that I agree to be bound by the terms and conditions stated in this application. This application contains all the understandings and agreements between me and the Warren County YMCA concerning the nature of my employment, if any, by the YMCA and supersedes all prior and/or contemporaneous practices, oral or written, agreements, understandings, statements, representations and promises, express or implied, between me and the YMCA. I understand and agree that except as noted above, no person who is either an agent or employee of the YMCA may modify, delete, vary or contradict, whether orally or in writing, the terms and conditions set forth herein.